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Homenaje a Luis Balmaseda

Jueves, 21 de marzo. Sala de conferencias, 18:00. Asistencia libre y gratuita hasta completar aforo

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Pulse para ampliar Luis Javier Balmaseda Muncharaz

Mesa redonda

The publication of Luis Balmaseda's unpublished manuscript gives us the opportunity to pay a well-deserved tribute to our dear and admired companion, who left us just over a year ago. Linked to our institution since the 70s, in 1990 and until 2010 (the year of his retirement) he held the position of head of the Paleo-Christian and Visigothic Archeology Section of the Department of Medieval Antiquities of this museum.

Although his research career began in the classical world, Luis Balmaseda was a reference for early Christian and Visigothic studies, highlighting his work on Los Hitos, Castiltierra, Torredonjimeno and Guarrazar. The book that we now present refers to this last site. In it Luis devoted years of dedication to the Treasury and everything related to its discovery and its eventful journey from its appearance in Guadamur until its return to Spain.


  • Carmen Marcos. Subdirectora del Museo Arqueológico Nacional
  • Concha Papí. Editora del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (jubilada)
  • María Mariné. Directora del Museo de Ávila. (jubilada)
  • Jorge Morín. AUDEMA
  • Jesús Carrobles. Director de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Toledo
  • Luisa Fernanda Balmaseda. Hermana del autor
Pulse para ampliar Tesoro de Guarrazar. Siglo VII d.C. MAN