Martes, 21 junio. Sala de conferencias,19:00
Courses and conferences
Tuesday, 21 JuneSalto de línea Lecture Hall,19:00Salto de línea Free admission
Presentación a cargo de:
Project Arqueo¿cómo? Researching Archaeology is a web platform for the transfer of archaeological knowledge. It is a free access technological resource funded by sponsors. The primary focus is on explaining concepts, methods and techniques used by the research staff of the Department of Archaeology and Social Processes, at the Instituto de Historia, CCHS-CSIC.
Arqueo¿cómo? target is to inform a concerned public in a simple, visual and concise way, not giving up the strictest scientific principles. Computer graphics and the new information technologies are the communicative resources used by Globalnet Solutions, an innovative company in education and training projects who is in charge of the design and technological developping of the platform.
Reyes Sequera, from the Fundación General CSIC, will speak about the current situation of knowledge transfer in the Humanities and Social Sciences.