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Al-Andalus: nuevos retos en la investigación y musealización

Miércoles, 23 de noviembre. Salón de actos, 10:00 a 20:00

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Al-Andalus: new challenges in scientific research and museography

Wednesday, 23 NovemberSalto de línea Event Hall, 10:00 - 20:00Salto de línea Free admission

Organised by: Departamento de Antigüedades Medievales, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, UNED y Departamento de Historia del Arte, UNED

Inauguración y bienvenida:

  • Andrés Carretero Pérez, Director Museo Arqueológico Nacional
  • María Peréx Agorreta, Decana Facultad Geografía e Historia UNED
  • Antonio Urquízar Herrera, Director Departamento de Historia del Arte UNED
  • Sergio Vidal Álvarez, Jefe Departamento de Antigüedades Medievales Museo Arqueológico Nacional / Profesor Asociado Departamento Historia del Arte UNED

Programa PDF

This Seminar continues the cycle started last year 2015, aiming to present new researches in the field of Archeology, Art History and the History of the Hispanic Middle Ages. It is intended as a forum for scientific debate, but also as a meeting place for researchers and university students, the latter being public it is primarily directed.

In this third edition the focus is centered on Al-Andalus, proposing a multidisciplinary debate on some of the latest scientific research and museological projects carried out in Spain.
