Jueves, 14 de septiembre. Sala de conferencias, 9:30 a 19:00. Asistencia presencial gratuita previa inscripción. On line a través de Zoom
Courses and conferences
Organiza: Museo Arqueológico Nacional y Proyecto Mefer-Universidad de Murcia.
Dirección: Melania Soler Moratón. Coordinación: María Boluda Abenza
Inscripción gratuita enviando un correo a artepoderygenero@um.es (hasta el 31 de agosto). Cartel del seminario (jpg)
Women and Power in Renaissance Europe: Medals, Texts and Contexts
During the 16th century, ruling women enjoyed a rare prominence: in a world where medieval theories against female ruling were still greatly influential, serval women from a series of European courts defied social and cultural limits via their roles as queens, regents or governors. In order to achieve this, they would resort to visual measures that legitimized their position while also contributing to the development and dissemination of their power and its representation. This seminar will focus on the strategies deployed by Mary I of England, Cecilia Gonzaga or Isabella d’Este, among others, that aimed at expressing their power through a common element: portrait medals. This Renaissance item joined image and text in a unique format that facilitated its reproduction and circulation, a trait that did not go unnoticed by these women, who used them to exhibit their new power position as well as their ideas regarding political, social, moral and devotional contexts.
*Traducción simultánea español/inglés-inglés/español
9:30 Entrega de materiales.
10:00 Presentación. Participan:
Isabel Izquierdo Peraile. Directora del Museo Arqueológico Nacional
Noelia García Pérez. Directora grupo de investigación MEFER
Paloma Otero. Museo Arqueológico Nacional
Melania Soler Moratón. Directora del seminario
10:30 Women in Medals: Identity and Representation. Davide Gasparotto, Paul Getty Museum
11:30 Pausa café
12:00 Medallas retrato y legitimación del poder femenino en la Europa del Renacimiento. Noelia García Pérez (Universidad de Murcia)
12:30. Medals, coins, jetons: Catherine de’ Medici, Artemisia, and numismatic imagery. Sheila Ffoillott George Mason University).
13:00.“I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king": la imagen de Isabel Tudor a través de las medallas. Melania Soler Moratón (Universidad de Murcia)
13:30. Mesa redonda: Medalla, género y la alegoría del buen gobierno.
14:15 -16:30 Pausa comida.
16:30. Isabella d'Este's Portrait Medals. Sarah Cockram (Universidad de Edimburgo)
17:00. Women Power and Images. Three Ladies, Three Medals: Cecilia Gonzaga, Isabella d’Este, Elisabetta Gonzaga. Monica Centanni (Universidad de Venecia)
17:30. Representación y damnatio memoriae de la reina Juana I. Entre la realidad y la leyenda. Miguel Ángel Zalama (Universidad de Valladolid)
18:00. Mesa redonda. La mitología y la religión al servicio del gobierno.
19:00. Clausura