Site of Oxyrhynchus

5 de junio, 19:00 h


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News from the Archaeological Site of Oxyrhynchus (El-Bahnasa, Mynia), Egypt

Esther Pons Mellado, Curator, Egypt and Near East Department

Thursday, 5 june

19:00 h

Lecture hall

The Archaeological Site of Oxyrhynchus (El-Bahansa, Mynia), Egypt, has given in recent years very important findings of Saite and Roman Period located in the High Necropolis. From the first period we have an impressive offering of five thousand oxyrhynchus's fishes (many of them mummified), and unique until now in Egypt.Salto de línea From the second period we have several stone tombs with an interesting funerary equipment for the deceased, sculptures and mummies (some of them with plaster cartonnages with polychrome decoration) that confirm not only that the Roman World incorporated more or less quickly its funerary customs in Egypt but also assimilated in the same way several Egyptian customs such as the process of mummification. Salto de línea The result was a very different, but much more open and plural society in Egypt, one that continues until the dawn of the Christian- Byzantine World.
