Neolithic, gate of the civilization

Miércoles, 29 de abril. Salón de actos, 19:00


Premiere and Roud Table

Neolithic, gate of the civilization

Wednesday, 29 AprilSalto de línea Lecture Hall, 19:00Salto de línea Free admission


  • Manuel Pimentel, Director de Arqueománía TVE
  • Eduardo Vijande, Arqueólogo
  • Antonio Rosas, Profesor de investigación del CSIC y director de paleoantropología del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
  • Leonardo García Sanjuán, Departamento de Prehistoria, Universidad de Sevilla
  • Ruth Maicas, Departamento de Prehistoria, MAN

Premiere of the TVE documentary “Neolithic, gate of the civilization”Salto de línea Did the Neolithic expand throughout the sea?, Is it a local phenomenon? This documentary tries to find the answer to this and other questions with the help of pioneering research.

This project shows exclusively the oldest cave paintings of boats in the world, according to current dating. Furthermore, every participant will be able to assist to the excavation of brand new archaeological sites of the old-Neolithic, which were completely unknown until now. Genetics, Art, old Navigation, and the birth of Architecture, all of them in a documentary with an innovative point of view about Neolithic.

After the projection, there will be a round table moderated by Manuel Pimentel. There, novelties of the film and new perspectives about paradigms of Prehistoric will be discussed. Salto de línea
