Martes, 20 de septiembre. Sala de conferencias, 19:00
Lectures Hall
Tuesday, 20 september, 19:00 h.
Free admissionSalto de línea Salto de línea The chronology of Romanesque art coincides with the plenitude of the feudal system in Western Europe. We can, then, talk about the Romanesque as the expression of a system, a language that standardizes European culture and that, somehow, influenced the process of the monastic and Gregorian reform or social organization space within the Christian- feudal system of the Middle Ages.Salto de línea This new language was depicted as an essential element in the indoctrination of the foundations of the Christian religion in the Middle Ages and the legitimacy of the feudal system.Salto de línea During his lecture , Dr. Larrañaga will get back to various examples of the Romanesque which, although are samples at very different scales, will clearly highlight the relationship between the feudal system and the artistic movement.