La Fábrica de Tabacos de Gijón: un edificio, dos mil años de historia

Miércoles, 22 de junio. Sala de conferencias, 19:00


The Tobacco Factory of Gijon: a building, two thousand years of history

Carmen Fernández Ochoa (Catedrática de Arqueología, UAM) y Almudena Orejas Saco del Valle (Investigadora Científica, CCHS CSIC)

Wednesday, 22 JuneSalto de línea Lecture Hall, 19:00Salto de línea Free admission

The Tobacco Factory in Gijon (Asturias), in the heart of Cimadevilla quarter, has been a landmark of the city over two hundred years. After its closure in 2002, the space occupied by La Tabacalera (Tobacco Factory) was the subject of documentary and archaeological studies, prior to any action in the building.

These works have brought to light the remains of the baroque female convent of the Augustinian Recollects, confiscated in 1842, and beneath them oldest evidences: a Roman well-deposit, whose fillings have provided exceptional information for the study of the Roman and Medieval periods of the city.The study of this complex archaeological register has been made possible by an interdisciplinary work, with the collaboration of archaeologists, historians, geologists, biologists, topographers, restorers and engineers.

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