Jueves, 19 de octubre. Salón de actos, 19:00
Sandra Azcárraga CámaraSalto de línea Doctora en Arqueología, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
The site of San Juan del Viso (Villalbilla, Madrid) is fundamental to understand the Carpetanian world evolution. It is located on the top of a flat hill, between the Henares River and Anchuelo stream valleys. Both the recent excavation campaign and archaeological survey in the valleys, along with an exhaustive pottery study has allowed characterizing the Second Iron Age sequence.
The oppidum of San Juan del Viso, with an approximate extension of 7 Ha, had to be one of the most important settlements within the region when Rome arrived. It became the main “Romanization” agent with the foundation of the first city of the nearby territory. Aerial photograph has been used to propose the identification of a Roman camp, located in front of the oppidum, that would breed the so called Complutum city, with more than 30 Ha, including orthogonal design and important public buildings as a temple and a theatre.