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El Arte Rupestre Prehispánico de la República Dominicana en el marco del Patrimonio Mundial de UNESCO

Miércoles, 5 de junio


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Pre-Hispanic rock art of the Dominican Republic is an extremely interesting cultural resource, that combines its artistic originality with the mythological and ritual meaning it presents. Its abundance in Hispaniola, embodied in hundreds of caverns and rocks scattered throughout the island, enhances its interest as an indigenous Antillean heritage of the first order. These characteristics make the paintings and rock engravings of the aborigines that inhabited the Antillean, an authentic artistic and cultural treasure. We are currently making a file to be presented at UNESCO, in order to be proclaimed as World Heritage and thus be internationally recognized in its proper measure. After the exhibition on pre-Hispanic rock art in the Dominican Republic, a colloquium will be held with several specialists in Spanish and Dominican rock art, based on analyzing the transcendence as a World Heritage of this wonderful legacy of our ancestors.

Programa y participantes

19:00 Bienvenida

Andrés Carretero Pérez, director del Museo Arqueológico NacionalSalto de línea Olivo Rodríguez Huertas, embajador de la República Dominicana

19:10 Conferencia

El Arte Rupestre Prehispánico de la República Dominicana en el marco del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO.

Adolfo José López Belando, Arqueólogo (autor del libro "La Memoria de las Rocas. Arte Rupestre en la República Dominicana". Investigador Asociado del Museo de Hombre Dominicano)

19:50 Presentación del libro

“La Memoria de las Rocas. Arte Rupestre en la República Dominicana”


  • Adolfo José López Belando, arqueólogo, Investigador Asociado del Museo del Hombre Dominicano.
  • Carlos Andújar, antropólogo del Centro León.
  • Pilar Fatás, antropóloga, directora del Museo de la Cueva de Altamira.
  • Marcos García Díez, arqueólogo, Profesor de Prehistoria de la Universidad Complutense Madrid.
  • Daniel Garrido Pimentel, arqueólogo, Coordinador de Cuevas Prehistóricas de Cantabria.

  • Moderador: Manuel García Arévalo, historiador y arqueólogo, Investigador Asociado del Museo del Hombre Dominicano

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