Propuestas para una reconstrucción e interpretación de la portada sur de la catedral de Jaca

Jueves, 5 de marzo


Catedral de Jaca
Conferencia de Francisco de Asís García García

(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Sala de conferencias, 19:00

Asistencia libre y gratuita

Presentación a cargo de:

Sergio Vidadl Álvarez, Museo Arqueológico Nacional

Rocía Martín Bonet, Caminos del románico

The south portal of the cathedral of Jaca is much less known than the western portal of the church and their famous chrismon and inscriptions. However, it was one of the first historiated portals of the Iberian Romanesque art. The alterations suffered over the centuries and the losses of original elements have undoubtedly determined this lack of interest in historiography. A hypothesis of reconstruction of the ensemble, based on the study of the components still in situ and other decontextualized elements, will allow to highlight its singularities and to propose new reading keys for its images. In this sense, the portal of the cathedral becomes an important milestone in the creation of visual discourses and in the configuration of portal typologies at the end of the 11th century.

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