Monasterios y monacato en la España medieval

Jueves, 30 de septiembre. Salón de actos, 18:00. Entrada libre y gratuita. Aforo limitado: 64 plazas + 2 sillas de ruedas


Santa Cruz de la Serós (Huesca) Pulse para ampliar
Capitel. Santa María la Real de Nieva (Segovia) Pulse para ampliar

Conferencia de Carlos M. Reglero de la Fuente (Universidad de Valladodolid)

Presentación a cargo de: Beatriz Campdera (Museo Arqueológico Nacional), Rocío Martín Bonet (Caminos del Románico) y Carlos Ayala Martínez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Monasteries and Monasticism in Medieval Spain

Monasteries are usually associated with the Middle Ages. Monks, nuns, friars and canons played a fundamental role during that period, in most aspects of life whether religious, cultural or economic.

There were many different forms of monasticism, both masculine and femenine, from the diversity of the High Middle Ages to the establishment of the religious orders.

The monasteries contributed to the articulation of society, from the aristocracy to the peasantry. The desire to achieve the perfect Christian life came up against the need to adapt to society; this tension produced scandals and reforms. The evolution of the monasteries was marked by their relationship with lay people, from protection to abuse; their attitude towards education and literature; the different ways of organising the monastic community’s life; intercessory prayer for the dead and the living; or the tensions with bishops and secular clerics.

Caminos del Románico