Jueves, 5 de mayo. Salón de actos, 18:00. Asistencia libre y gratuita hasta completar aforo
Conferencia de Sandra Sáenz-López Pérez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Presentación a cargo de:Rocío Martín Bonet (Caminos del Románico) y Beatríz Campdera Gutiérrez (Museo Arqueológico Nacional)
he uses of maps in the Middle Ages
An abundant collection of medieval maps has been preserved. This proves that these visual tools — halfway between science and art — were in demand and necessary. But what was their use? This lecture focuses on the uses of cartography in the Middle Ages, closely dependent on the users who demanded maps and the image that cartographers projected of the Earth. Medieval maps are enormously diverse, as well as the uses given to them and who their users were. From the tripartite schematic maps to the ecumenical map of Claudius Ptolemy, this lecture introduces us to the maps of the Middle Ages.