Explotar, distribuir y utilizar rocas decorativas (marmora) a inicios de la Edad Media

Martes, 27 de septiembre. Salón de actos, 18:00. Asistencia libre y gratuita hasta completar aforo


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Conferencia de Raúl Aranda González (Caminos del Románico / UNED)

Presentación a cargo de: Beatriz Campdera (Museo Arqueológico Nacional) y Rocío Martín Bonet (Caminos del Románico)

Exploiting, distributing and using decorative rocks (marmora) in the early Middle Ages

The use of stone materials for ornamental purposes is a decisive phenomenon in the material and artistic culture of the European and Mediterranean world since ancient times. For this reason, knowledge of the production and distribution processes of decorative rocks, identified as marble in the sources, their forms of use, or their aesthetic-symbolic keys, becomes a significantly useful tool to understand the societies of the past. . Under this basic premise of using non-construction stone material as a historical tool, the research work presented is proposed.

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