Subh pyxis

Bote de Zamora Pulse para ampliar

IvorySalto de línea CórdobaSalto de línea 353 after Hijra / 964 ADSalto de línea

Ivory box in the shape of a cylindrical tusk with a dome-shaped lid that opens and closes with a hinge and a silver clasp with niello detailing. The delicate carving creates chiaroscuro effects with the decorative motifs: arabesques and palmettes, gazelles, peacocks and other birds that recreate a palace garden. A Kufic inscription on the base of the lid indicates the date of manufacture (353 after Hijra / 964 AD), the author (Durri al-Salir), the person who commissioned it (Caliph Al-Hakam II) and the intended recipient (the caliph’s favourite, Subh).


Here you will find objects related to three different cultural contexts: the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo (5th-8th century); the Hispano-Islamic world (8th-15th century), comprising the Caliphate, Taifa and Nasrid periods; and the Christian kingdoms (8th-15th century), characterised by the development of the Pre-Romanesque, Romanesque and Gothic styles in the cities and monasteries and along the Way of Saint James. Meanwhile, a series of Mudejar objects illustrate the Muslim presence in Christian Spain.

Tesoro de Bentarique Hispano-Islamic world
Capitel Santa María la Real Catalogue Here you will find objects related to three different cultural contexts: the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo (5th-8th century); the Hispano-Islamic world (8th-15th century), comprising the Caliphate, Taifa and Nasrid periods; and the Christian kingdoms (8th-15th century), characterised by the development of the Pre-Romanesque, Romanesque and Gothic styles in the cities and monasteries and along the Way of Saint James. Meanwhile, a series of Mudejar objects illustrate the Muslim presence in Christian Spain.