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Collective catalogues

The 1892 History Exhibitions

This museum’s Photographic Archive contains a series of photographic prints on paper taken on the occasion of the 1892 History Exhibitions. In addition to these images, other photographs have been found at different institutions that also visually document the two exhibitions, and all these graphic records have now been assembled in one catalogue for the first time. The publication explains the context of these photographs and what they show, shedding light on a very specific moment in Spanish history.

1893 Natural History and Ethnography Exhibition

Among the many items held in the museum’s Photographic Archive, we find 32 prints on paper taken on the occasion of this exhibition in 1893. These photographs serve as the starting point for offering an overview of that historical moment from different perspectives, and for reviewing the museums and institutions where the objects featured in that exhibition are housed today.

Cervantes Collections

To mark the 400th anniversary of the birth of Miguel de Cervantes, the state museums are joining the celebrations with a joint catalogue of collections relating to the author.

Sharing History. Arab World–Europe / 1815–1918

The catalogue, coordinated by the organisation Museum with No Frontiers (MWNF), combines work from 22 countries in Europe, Arabia and the Middle East at the Ali explores the relationships between Arabia, the Ottoman world and Europe between 1815 and 1918, one of the most complex periods in history. The National Archaeological Museum and another seven state museums have contributed, providing a selection of pieces from their collections. 3,000 objects are being exhibited, organised into very varied thematic areas from the economy and trade to archaeology or fashion.

Museos Estatales en Sharing History

The MAN on Google Art Project

The National Archaeological Museum has partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to make a selection of its most iconic pieces available online via the Google Art Project.

The MAN microsite on Google Art Project features 194 cultural assets, each with a high-resolution image and basic descriptive information.

Latin American Collections in Spanish Museums

This catalogue features a varied selection of artefacts with a Latin American connection or provenance from the collections of 23 Spanish museums. The National Archaeological Museum is represented by 2,281 coins struck in the Americas.

Discover Islamic Art in the Mediterranean

Catalogue of the virtual collection and themed exhibitions coordinated by Museums With No Frontiers, which features important pieces of Islamic art from 14 Mediterranean countries and the European Union. A selection of Hispano-Islamic and Mudejar artefacts from the National Archaeological Museum and the historic monuments associated with them can be accessed via the catalogue.

Heritage from a Female Perspective

The Heritage from a Female Perspective portal offers a series of themed catalogues with selected pieces from different museums, including the National Archaeological Museum, united by a gender-based discourse.

Portuguese Collections in Spanish Museums

The Cultural Encounters portal provides access to two online catalogues: Portuguese Collections in Spanish Museums and Spanish Collections in Portuguese Museums. The pieces in the Spanish museums are arranged according to the following themes: Work, The House, Prayer, Living in Society, Creativity and War.
