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Texts and credits

The following texts complement the precise, detailed information provided by the photographs presented in this thematic catalogue. Some of them put the images into context showing the different phases of La Bastida’s occupation between 2200 and 1550 BCE and explaining what Argaric society was like; others highlight contributions these unprecedented graphic records to current research into the site; and finally, others show the importance of photography as a documentary technique in archaeology. An article on the Totana archaeological forgeries published in 1931 is also included.

The following institutions and people have made the project to catalogue and digitise the photograph collection corresponding to the La Bastida and Campico de Lébor sites possible:

Departamento de Documentación. Museo Arqueológico Nacional:

Virginia Salve QuejidoSalto de línea Fernando Fontes Blanco-LoizelierSalto de línea Begoña Muro Martín-CorralSalto de línea Aurora Ladero GalánSalto de línea Concha Papí RodesSalto de línea Ana Belén Bermejo (Digitalización)

Departamento de Prehistoria. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona:

Vicente Lull SantiagoSalto de línea Rafael Micó PérezSalto de línea Cristina Rihuete HerradaSalto de línea Roberto RischSalto de línea Magdalena Escalas VallespirSalto de línea María Inés Fregeiro MoradorSalto de línea Camila Oliart Caravatti
