Over half of the hundred and seven postcards of Milan show part of the rich collections of painting and drawing conserved in the Brera Gallery and Ambrosian Library and the Poldi Pezzoli Museum.
The rest are views of different city monuments such as the cathedral, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, the Arena Civica, the Arco della Pace, the mediaeval portals of the Via dei Mercanti and the Piazza Cordusio and Piazza della Scala.
The blue-tinted views of the Sforza Castle, by Calcocromía I.G.D.A. de Novara, are an example of a common artistic effect intended to imitate the cold, mysterious light of dusk, used in collotype printing before World War II.
Other images are sepia toned, by the firm Arti Grafiche Bertarelli, and, unusually, there are a few colour postcards of paintings, by the Milanese heliotype printer Roberto Hoesch. Other local printers such as Cesare Capello, Alberto Traldi, Edizione Zuecca, E. Songia and the Istituto Italiano d´ Arti de Novara are also represented.
The views of the exterior of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio are especially interesting, because the 1943 bombings of Milan permanently destroyed part of the portico which can still be seen in the postcards in its original state.