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  6. Site documentation
  7. Documentation on Villaricos and Herrerías

Documentation on Villaricos and Herrerías

This group contains Siret's documentation on Villaricos, Herrerías, Montroy and Baria. In addition to the 51 field journals on Villaricos written by Pedro Flores, there are two by Siret: "Villaricos", with drawings of stratigraphic cross-sections and sketches of tombs, and "Mojácar Villaricos", which also contains information on Loma del Campo, Loma de Belmonte, Cuartillas and other prehistoric sites in the municipality of Mojácar.

The archive contains extensive documentation on these sites, including a remarkable folder of drawings from Villaricos and Herrerías with numerous maps, stratigraphic cross-sections, sketches, structures and various other documents, plus different studies and notes on burials, such as "Sépultures de Villaricos. Classement par groupe par G. Gossé. 1, 2 y 3", "Plano general de las sepulturas de Villaricos", "Sépultures de Villaricos. Classement par numéros d’ordre indiquant leur situation sur les plans parcellaires" and studies of coins, lamps, fibulae, weapons and other artefacts.

Special mention must be made of the documentation on ostrich eggshells, organised into both an indexed file and small notebooks, one for each decorative motif, in which Siret jotted down all the necessary details for drawing typological conclusions.
