The museum offers the possibility of booking free guided tours for pupils in primary (4th, 5th and 6th year), lower and upper secondary school. We do not offer tours for other educational levels.
Except in the second half of June, July, August and September. Check dates and times on this website
The tour begins with a survey of human evolution, from Australopitecus afarensis to Homo sapiens. Later, we will learn about the major breakthroughs in technology (stone knapping, pottery and metallurgy), economy (hunter-gatherer societies and productive societies) and social structure (egalitarian and hierarchic societies) made by human beings during the long process of prehistory.
Martes, jueves y viernes, 10:30. Miércoles, 10:00. Cita en el Punto de encuentro
This tour reviews the situation of the Iberian Peninsula during the first millennium BC: the Iron Age or protohistory. After seeing the technological and social advances of this period, brought to the peninsula by colonising peoples from the eastern Mediterranean (Phoenicians and Greeks), the tour will focus on pre-Roman nations, especially the Iberians and the Celtic peoples.
Martes, 11:00. Miércoles, 10:30. Jueves, 11:30. Cita en el Punto de encuentro
After analysing the phenomenon of Romanisation, the tour will explain the political (laws, magistrates, etc.), economic (industries and artisanal productions) and social life (leisure, beliefs and funerary customs) of the cities of Roman Hispania. In particular, we will take a close look at domestic life in the urban domus and the great rural villae (housing, food, economy, beliefs, etc.).
Martes, 10:30. Miércoles, 10:30. Jueves 10:30 y 16:30. Cita en el Punto de encuentro
This tour spans nearly 900 years, showing the changes that took place on the Iberian Peninsula when new peoples arrived from the east, mainly Visigoths and Muslims. During the tour, we will examine the principal political, social and economic aspects of both peoples, with a special emphasis on the technological, economic and scientific advances of Al-Andalus.
Martes, 10:00. Miércoles, 11:00. Viernes 10:00. Cita en el Punto de encuentro
Esta visita muestra el desarrollo de los reinos cristianos de la España medieval y su estructura social estamental. Destaca el papel fundamental de los monasterios medievales en la vida económica, social, científica y asistencial de la época, con especial referencia al Camino de Santiago. También se mostrará el desarrollo de iglesias y catedrales y la evolución de una de sus principales señas de identidad, los retablos.
Miércoles, 11:00. Jueves, 10:00. Cita en el Punto de encuentro
A través de los objetos expuestos, se ofrece a los escolares la posibilidad de conocer los grandes fenómenos de la Edad Moderna, como el descubrimiento de América, el Humanismo, la Contrarreforma o la creación de un mercado global que unía Europa, América y Asia. Más adelante, se analizan los grandes avances del siglo XVIII (Manufacturas Reales y descubrimientos geográficos), para terminar en los inicios del siglo XIX.
Miércoles, 10:00. Cita en el Punto de encuentro
A survey of ancient Egyptian civilisation, beginning with its unique geographical and environmental situation and specific ecosystems. We will discuss Egyptian society and official and domestic religious beliefs. Finally, we will examine the principal features of the funerary world, discovering the different stages of the process by which Egyptians hoped to reach the afterlife.
Miércoles, 11:30. Jueves, 10:00. Cita en el Punto de encuentro
This tour is divided into four large thematic sections that illustrate life in classical Greece. We will examine the lives of men and women and the different roles they played in society (social visibility of men and invisibility of women) and the main characteristics of life in the polis, from the daily routines and principal deities to the funerary cult.
Martes, 11:00. Miércoles, 11:00 y 16:30. Jueves, 11:00. Cita en el Punto de encuentro
Disponible desde el 1 de septiembre de 2024
Tel.(0034) 915780203 / 915777912 extensión 273581 (10 am–2 noo)
Bookings and cancellations: only via the website links. You can register with the booking app to view and cancel your bookings.