Estimated timeframe: 2017–2023
Lead researcher: Paloma Otero Morán and Aurora Ladero Galán
The MAN was founded in 1867 as a museum organised according to the latest international scientific trends at the time. However, the new institution was partly indebted to the transformation of the National Library's Museum of Medals and Antiquities, which bequeathed us a wealth of documentation, largely related to its numismatic holdings. The publication and analysis of this information, linked to the origins and “personal” history of the pieces, is essential for comprehending and knowing the collections, as well as for understanding the construction of archaeology and museums in Spain.
Publications related:
Estimated timeframe: 2016–2023
Lead researcher: Montserrat Cruz Mateos (2016-2020), Paloma Otero Morán (2021-2023)
From large treasures of gold and silver to “purses” of ordinary currency, hoards reflect the production and circulation of money, political history, and the population and economic life of a region. The museum owns hoards from every historical period, which vary significantly in size, context and accession circumstances and have been affected by the vicissitudes of the collection's three centuries of history. An in-depth review of the documents in our historical archive and their connection to inventories is an essential first step towards obtaining an updated catalogue and improved knowledge and dissemination of these holdings.
Publications related:
Estimated timeframe: 2020–2023
Lead researcher: Paloma Otero Morán
The museum owns the world’s most important collection of old Hispanic coins, which was started in the 18th century and now comprises nearly 16,000 pieces. The institution has been working to re-catalogue and publish this collection in print since 1994, and online as part of the international Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum project since 2007. This is an ongoing endeavour: in the current phase, the goal is to update the catalogue of Phoenician/Punic issues and coins with indigenous script from southern Spain, add new pieces and redesign the online presentation to make the information more accessible and easier to consult.
Estimated timeframe (phase 3): 2019–2023
Lead researcher: Paloma Otero Morán (Department of Numismatics and Medals)
Since 2007, the Latin American Numismatic Heritage project has been cataloguing and digitising the rich collection of Spanish colonial coin issues. This campaign will continue with the Potosí issues and begin working on those struck at Santiago de Chile from the former collection of Domingo Sastre, in addition to including the 297 coins catalogued in 2019 in the online catalogue.
Estimated timeframe: 2020-2024
Lead researcher: Paula Grañeda Miñón
Desde 2009, Colección de moneda andalusí online ha afrontado la puesta en valor de este importante conjunto con el fin de promover un mejor conocimiento del mundo andalusí y la investigación en el ámbito de la moneda medieval islámica. Hasta el momento son accesibles en web 502 monedas de los períodos emiral y califal. Esta campaña se centrará en las emisiones en oro (dinares y fracciones) acuñadas desde el período de conquista hasta la etapa almorávide, enriqueciendo el catálogo con cerca de 340 nuevas piezas de los siglos VIII a XI.
Estimated timeframe: 2014
Lead researcher: Paloma Otero Morán
The Obulco Mint is represented in the museum by nearly 600 pieces, which were published in print in 2005 and will now be made more widely visible thanks to an online catalogue containing a basic inventory description and digital images of the obverse and reverse of each coin.
Latin American Numismatic Heritage: Eight, Four and Two-Real Coins from the Potosí Mint
Estimated timeframe: 2014
Lead researcher: Paloma Otero Morán
Since 2007, the Latin American Numismatic Heritage project has been cataloguing and digitising the rich collection of Spanish colonial coin issues, posting them online in order to facilitate access to information. This first campaign will focus on silver multiples struck at Potosí from the former collection of Domingo Sastre.