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  5. AIR-ARTE Project. Protection and Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Museums with Innovative Air-Quality Technology

AIR-ARTE Project. Protection and Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Museums with Innovative Air-Quality Technology

  • Timeframe: 2015-2017
  • Lead Institution: MINECO Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, en el marco del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación. 2013-2016
  • Instituciones participantes: AIRE LIMPIO y AMBISALUD, Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Térmicas (CIEMAT), Grupo de Tratamiento Fotocatalítico de Contaminantes en Aire, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CENIM) (CSIC), Departamento de Conservación (MAN), Área de Investigación y Formación (IPCE), Departamento de Restauración (MNCARS).
  • Lead researchers: Director, Fernando Feldman (AIRE LIMPIO); Coordinador, Benigno Sánchez Cabrero (CIEMAT); Investigadores responsables, Emilio Cano Díaz (CENIM), Teresa Gómez Espinosa (MAN), Nieves Valentín Rodrigo (IPCE), Carmen Muro García (MNCARS) .
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Atmospheric pollutants, especially volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are among the many risk factors to which museum collections are exposed.

The MAN has been a pioneer in the fight against VOCs, enlisting the aid of external scientific experts and setting up an interdisciplinary research project to this end.

The primary goal is to prevent or mitigate the risks that air pollution poses to the conservation of cultural assets, as well as to museum professionals and visitors. To achieve this goal, we will promote the development of new technology, create new products and services and, finally, find business applications for these new ideas and methods.

Any patents or profits deriving from the results of this research will be managed according to the legal procedures that guarantee intellectual property rights.

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