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  5. Al-Andalus, art, science and contexts in an open Mediterranean. From the West to Egypt and Syria

Al-Andalus, art, science and contexts in an open Mediterranean. From the West to Egypt and Syria

Palermo. Palacio Zisa. Foto Susana Calvo Capilla Pulse para ampliar
  • Timeframe: 2019-2023
  • Lead Institution: Department of History of Art. University Complutense of Madrid/ Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad RTI2018-093880-B-I00
  • Lead researchers: Susana Calvo Capilla (UCM); Juan Carlos Ruiz Souza (UCM).
  • MAN researcher: Beatriz Campderá Gutiérrez
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One of the challenges of this project, formed by a multitasking group, is to reconstruct the contexts of which al-Andalus was a part: Islam, the Mediterranean and the West, a research line already started in the previous project (HAR2013-45578R). Al-Andalus has become a powerful strategic reference nowadays, that is present today not only from art, science and history, but also from the heritage management, as important economic and social stimulator, and international relations, look at al-Andalus in order to identify ways to design intercultural communication channels. We are dealing with a project focused not only on the study of the past but also concerning aspects related to the present and the relations with all the shores of the Mediterranean. Therefore, the challenge is to show the wealth and diversity of the Islamic culture in all its expressions of which al-Andalus constitutes one of its pillars.

The cultural heritage in all its manifestations, as much as the scientific legacy are excellent examples of the contribution of Islam to universal culture. It is also necessary to reflect on the theoretical paradigms used so far, on the image of the East constructed by the West in the 18th and 19th centuries, based on romantic and orientalist discourses or on the fractures derived from decolonization. The new historical discourses of gender, diversity and multiculturalism, which are part of the exhibition policies in a good number of museums around the world, often dismiss those approaches when dealing with Islamic and Hispano-Islamic art. The study and enhancement of the Islamic heritage should become an instrument for cultural enrichment, sociocultural development and economic regeneration in order to promote the culture of peace.


Campderá Gutiérrez, B.I. (2022): "Del objeto «árabe» a al-Ándalus: La exposición de las colecciones andalusíes en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional (I)", Boletín del MAN, vol. 41, pp. 143-160. Descargar artículo PDF

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Rabat, Necrólolis de Chellah, S.XIV. Foto Juan Carlos Ruiz Souza Pulse para ampliar Rabat. Necrólolis de Chellah