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Archaeology and Interdisciplinarity

INTERARQ Pulse para ampliar
INTERARQ Pulse para ampliar
  • Timeframe: 2017-2019
  • Lead institution: Proyecto de investigación MINECO-Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Plan Nacional I+D+i, nº ref. HAR2016-80271-P
  • Lead research: Margarita Díaz-AndreuEnlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva [Nueva ventana]
  • Team members: Enrique Gozalbes Cravioto (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha); Francisco José Moreno – Universidad Complutense; Isabel Ordieres Díez (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares); Laura Coltofean (Museo Nacional Brukenthal, Rumania); Marc-Antoine Kaeser (Musée Laténium, Suiza) ; Ana Cristina Martins (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal); Oscar Moro Memorial (Univ of Newfoundland, Canada); Tim Murray (La Trobe University, Melbourne); María José Berlanga Palomo (Universidad de Málaga; Ana Gómez Díaz (Casa-Museo Bonsor); José Ildefonso Ruiz Cecilia (Conjunto Arqueológico de Carmona); Rafael Sabio (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano); Eduardo Palacio Pérez (Gobierno de Cantabria); Francisco Sánchez Salas (Universitat de Barcelona); Nathan Schlanger (Ecole nationale des chartes) ; Massimo Tarantini (Ministerio de Bienes Culturales, Italia); Salomé Zurinaga Fernández-Toribio (Museo arqueológico Nacional); Ruth Maicas Ramos (Museo Arqueológico Nacional)

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The principal aim of this project is to analyse interdisciplinary connections between Spanish archaeology and other similar sciences, exploring the consequent exchange of techniques, practices and methods. It also examines the social repercussions of said interrelations.

The project focuses on the 19th and 20th centuries, investigating the contributions of individuals in other disciplines to the birth of a new field of knowledge, as well as the role played by the first researchers acknowledged as archaeologists who established ties with other sciences to gain and consolidate access to knowledge of the societies of the past.
