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  5. Protohistoric architecture on the western central plateau: Archaeotecture and archaeometry applied to the built heritage of Vettonian hillforts

Protohistoric architecture on the western central plateau: Archaeotecture and archaeometry applied to the built heritage of Vettonian hillforts

Arqueotectura y Arqueometría aplicada al patrimonio construido de los castros vettones Pulse para ampliar
  • Timeframe: 2016-2020
  • Funding institution:: MINECO - Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia (HAR2016-77739-P)
  • Project leader: Luis Berrocal-Rangel, Catedrático de Prehistoria, Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Members of the research group: Susana de Luis Mariño (MAN), Carmen Gutiérrez Sáez (UAM), Gregorio R. Manglano Valcárcel (UAM), Juan Francisco Blanco García (UAM), Rafael Garrido Pena (UAM), Raquel Castelo Ruano (UAM), Consolación González Casarrubios (UAM), Lucía Ruano Posada (UAM), María Azcona Antón (MCD), Pablo Paniego Díaz (UAM), Mario Francisco Freire Ruíz (UAM), Víctor Manuel Rodero Olivares, Mario Ramírez Galán, Carlota Lapuente Martín.
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This project aims to further explore Iron Age construction processes, materials and methods on the western central plateau by using applications and approaches from the fields of archaeotecture and archaeometry.

The primary goal is to create a database of reliable, verified technical knowledge that will allow us to comprehend building processes and the very concept of the dwelling, thereby giving us a better understanding of how the Vettonian peoples lived.

A secondary goal is to use this information to design reliable action protocols that can yield accurate reconstructions and consolidations, with a view to improving the musealisation of large Vettonian settlements.

The geographical focus of the project is the western area of Spain’s northern central plateau, in the provinces of Salamanca, Ávila and Cáceres, at sites like Irueña (Fuenteguinaldo, Salamanca), El Gasco (Nuñomoral, Cáceres) and Ulaca (Solosancho, Ávila).
