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  5. Segeda and Celtiberian Mountains: From Interdisciplinary Research to the Development of a Territory

Segeda and Celtiberian Mountains: From Interdisciplinary Research to the Development of a Territory

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  • Timeframe: 2012-2014
  • Lead institution: University of Zaragoza (I+D+I 2012-36549)
  • Partner: Regional Government of Aragón
  • Lead researcher: Francisco Burillo Mozota, University of Zaragoza. Segeda Centre of Celtiberian Studies
  • MAN researcher: Magdalena Barril Vicente
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Fundación Segeda Nueva ventana

The study of the Celtiberian town of Segeda—encompassing both the archaeological research and conservation of the town and its materials as well as experimental archaeological studies on the methods employed in its economic activities—is the focus of this ambitious project to obtain a broader perspective of the Celtiberian world.
