The Majlis: Cultures in Dialogue

28 September 2020 - 17 January 2021

Temporary exhibitions

El Majlis. Diálogo entre culturas
Plato de porcelana. China. 1891 y Lámpara de vidrio. París, Brocchard, 1869

Organiza: Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, Museo Arqueológico Nacional MAN, Museo del Jeque Faisal bin Qassim al-Thani (Doha, Qatar)

Entrada gratuita

Horario de visita

  • Martes a sábado: 9:30 – 20:00
  • Domingos y festivos: 9:30 – 15:00

Actividades relacionadas (Visitas guiadas y mediación cultural, Cuentos para familias, Narrativa para adultos, Concierto, Mesa redonda, Concierto recital, Taller de caligrafía). Consultar actividades Nueva ventana

Sorteamos catálogos de la exposición temporal a través de nuestras redes sociales (Twitter, Fabecook e Instagram). Podrás participar entre el 7 y el 13 de diciembre. Consulta nuestras RRSS y las bases legales para más información PDF

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The Majlis: Cultures in Dialogue features selected pieces from the Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum in Qatar that tell stories about the time-honoured tradition of interaction and dialogue on the Arabian Peninsula and beyond its borders. These stories, which we might hear in a majlis, the social space present in every Arab home, are at the core of the project initiated by the Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum to create a multifaceted forum for respectful yet incisive dialogue that connects people, beliefs and cultures.

The Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum was founded in 1998 in the city of Doha, Qatar, with the twofold mission of preserving cultural heritage and promoting intercultural dialogue. Its founder’s goal is to preserve and share Islamic heritage with the citizens of Qatar and the world. This museum houses the private collection of Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani, an eclectic assortment of works that illustrate the cultural interactions between different civilisations throughout history.

The physical and conceptual heart of the exhibition is the majlis, a large open space with rugs on the floor and seats lining the walls. The majlis is a relaxing space with no fixed rules, open to family and friends, where people gather to discuss local topics and events, share news, entertain guests, forge friendships and have fun.

Though little known in the rest of the world, the majlis is an essential part of Arab society and reflects a broader notion of consultative government and knowledge shared among several generations.

Like the majlis, this show aspires to stimulate a dialogue capable of overcoming barriers and broadening the horizons of our knowledge of other peoples and places.

RELIGIONS IN DIALOGUE. The Qur’an acknowledges that the Jewish and Christian scriptures contain the revelation of God. Muslims therefore believe that they are connected to Jews and Christians by the same religious heritage. These shared roots have been reflected in art for ages and have come down to us in the form of numerous objects that tell stories common to all three faiths.

CULTURES IN DIALOGUE. Throughout history, cultural diversity has been the rule rather than the exception. For example, in the Ottoman Empire and Muslim Spain, intercultural exchange was a part of everyday life. And art is one of the primary means of exploring the overlaps between different cultures. Through visual representation, humans can better understand their place in the world and enter into a civilised dialogue with “the other”.

STYLES IN DIALOGUE. The boundaries that define styles and tastes are far more permeable than the borders between peoples and nations. Various objects from the Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum show how Islamic art intermingled with the artistic creations of China and the Western world over the centuries, transcending religious and cultural differences.

El Majlis. Diálogo entre culturas. Entrevista realizada por el programa El Café de la lluvia (05/10/2020) AudioSalto de línea

Galería de detalles

Plato de cerámica vidriado y pintado. Persia. Siglo XI Pulse para ampliar
Cuenco mágico. Kerbala, Iraq. Siglo XIX Pulse para ampliar
Lámpara de mezquita de vidrio dorado y esmaltado. Austria, Siglo XIX Pulse para ampliar
Alfombra con retratos del Kaiser Guillermo II y su familia. Persia. Principios del Siglo XX Pulse para ampliar
Páginas sueltas del Corán guardadas en una caja portátil. Granada o Norte de África, Finales del siglo XV Pulse para ampliar