Chinchilla de Montearagón (Albacete). Cultura ibérica (Sala 12)
This Iberian ensemble was excavated in the 1970s and soon after that it was cleaned, consolidated and placed on display in the museum. It was built on a structure of metal girders on which the ashlar stones were placed. The missing parts were made with oakum-reinforced plaster.
When the museum was remodelled a new intervention was carried out to remove the plaster that had filled the gaps but concealed the original. The artificial patinas and the clamping systems no longer in use were also removed.
The cleaning process involved a variety of techniques, including the use of laser, to create an even finish that preserved the original patina. Nanotechnology was used to consolidate the stone and the joints in the fracture were sealed with lime and sand mortars.
A new architectural development was designed based on the latest studies, leading to the adaptation of the previous metal structure.
The gaps were filled with a light, stable material: textured and polychrome blocks of expanded polystyrene.