
Dinos with the Miht of the Wedding of Thetis and Peleus

Dinos de Tetis y Peleo. Sala 36, vitrina 36.7 Pulse para ampliar Dinos de Tetis y Peleo. Sala 36

Greek woman

Ceramic vases like this one were used to mix water and wine at festivals and banquets in ancient Greece. Its illustrated surface tells a mythical tale. Thetis, the most beautiful of the Nereids, was desired by Zeus himself. But it was a mortal, Peleus, who managed to carry off the lovely sea goddess. Surrounded by the raging surf and sea foam, he holds her in a tight embrace. She struggles, but her feet cannot support her weight. Her watery garment slips between Peleus’ arms as her body writhes like a sea serpent. But Thetis is no match for him.

Then the joyous nuptials are announced. A dove and Eros, god of love, bring marriage ribbons for the bride. Octopuses, dolphins, squids, sea horses and sea dragons help the Nereid sisters to prepare the ceremony. And, transported by two dolphins and a Nereid, the triumphant Peleus finally carries off the bride. This is the story of the abduction and marriage of Thetis told to us by the painter of this pottery vessel from the fourth century BC. The swift, sure brushstrokes and the imaginative quality of the tale make it a masterpiece.
