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Visitors and Users

Since the reopening of the Museum the past first of April there has been a noticeable growth in the number of users, reaching 768.836 visitors in 2014.

Before it closed for renovation, the National Archaeological Museum received around 200,000 visitors every year.

The figures for the years 2008 to 2011 correspond to the renovation period, during which time the temporary exhibition Treasures from the National Archaeological Museum was mounted to allow visitors to continue enjoying the highlights of the collection. The museum closed in July 2011 to permit the installation of the new exhibitions.

Visitantes en 2019 Pulse para ampliar Evolución del número de actividades 2014-2021

Visitantes 2000-2019 Pulse para ampliar Evolución del número de asistentes a actividades 2014-2021

Visualizaciones en canal YouTube Pulse para ampliar Evolución de la visualización de actividades canal YouTube 2014-2021