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Departamento de Prehistoria Pulse para ampliar
Departamento de Prehistoria Pulse para ampliar

The Prehistory Department studies and researches the Iberian Peninsula collections from approximately 600,000 years ago to 850 BC and interprets them in their historical context.

Open to collaboration with other institutions dedicated to the study of prehistoric cultures, the department carries out its own research projects and disseminates the results in publications aimed at the scientific community.

It is also responsible for creating the scientific discourse for the exhibition in the Prehistory area.

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Eduardo Galán DomingoSalto de línea CuratorSalto de línea

Ruth Maicas RamosSalto de línea CuratorSalto de línea

Juan Antonio Martos RomeroSalto de línea Museum technicianSalto de línea

Salto de línea Lucía Moragón MartínezSalto de línea Museum technicianSalto de línea
