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Online ticket sales

General admission: €3

Free admission:

Saturdays after 2 pm and Sunday mornings

  • Saturday from 14:00 hours and Sunday mornings
  • 18 May, International Museum Day
  • 12 October, National Day of Spain
  • 16 November, World Heritage Day
  • 6 December, Spanish Constitution Day

Salto de línea

Multimedia Guide Rental

The MAN multimedia guide offers a general tour of the museum with information in Spanish, English, French and Spanish Sign Language, as well as a special itinerary for people with visual impairments. The guide includes subtitled audio, images and videos.

The rental fee of €2 must be paid at the ticket office near the entrance.The guides are free for people with visual or hearing disability.

The devices themselves are picked up and returned at the shop.

Mostrador de venta de entradas